I came across this amazingly beautiful story today as I was doing my daily facebook check-up. Kelly Moore is the sister to this dude who used to cut my hair many moons ago (really small world we live in). I don't know her and she doesn't know me, but this story has touched me. It's one of the sweetest stories you'll hear about. Visit her blog, check out her photography, buy her camera bags, and PLEASE watch this video--you won't regret it (have a box of tissues nearby if you're a crier).
Other links:
I'm sure I've mentioned this blog before, but seriously, Katie is the most adorable lady ever (and it's ridiculous how excited I am about the fact that she's having another baby.
I've made a few new blogger friends; Roxy and Courtney (they have some adorable kiddos).
Here's another awesome video (featuring this lovely lady).
This website rates each household product on how "toxic" each item is...I think it's KOOL OKAY.
Anyways! Tonight's date night with Carver.
I hope you guys have a lovely weekend.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Crochet Headband {Tutorial}
I started crocheting a little last summer while I was pregnant. I forgot all about my mad skillz that I acquired until Christmas time rolled around. One of my friends reminded me how awesome it is.
The bow tie I made Carver (see here), was super easy, however it was NOT my idea. I found the pattern over on Delia's blog.
Anyways, I said all of that to say that I am no crochet professional! It's just a fun hobby. I made a pattern for a little hair bow head band. Seriously the easiest thing you'll ever crochet and it takes about five minutes, maybe ten.
I used the "I" crochet hook, although it really doesn't matter!
SC-single crochet
HDC-half double crochet
SL-slip stitch
I started with the bow first.
row one: CH 12
row two: in the 2nd chain from hook, SC to the end
row three: CH 1, turn, HDC to the end
Repeat desired times (I did five rows)
For the headband part, CH 65 (or just measure it around your head) and ST the ends together. Leave both tails intact.
Weave the tails of the headband into your rectangle and tie.
Cut the ties to be a bit shorter.
Wrap yarn around middle of the rectangle, creating your bow.
Seriously, the easiest thing you'll ever do.
Let me know if you have any questions, I'm the queen of unclear instructions!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Resolution Post
I hope everyone had a classy New Years! Carver and I sure did with our sparkling grape juice (ON SALE FOR $1.98!!! SCORE). It really was a sweet night. We watched the ball drop in New York, made fun of Justin Beiber's coat (I mean really, did he buy that in the women's section at forever 21?), laughed our bootays off at LMFAO's performance and fans, and we were mildly impressed by Will.I.am's performance (it was pretty cool, if you haven't seen it, you should try to find it, because I can't). Indigo woke up exactly at 12:05, we kissed her on the head and told her happy new years. I wouldn't have had that night be any other way. I'm so blessed. I'm so lucky. I'm so classy (refer to picture above).
Those of you who know me know that I'm kind of obsessed with rabbits. =.
AND OF COURSE, 2011 was the year of the rabbit.
It's hilarious how excited I was about Indigo being born in the year of the bun buns...
Anyways, out with the glorious rabbit year and into the year of the Dragon...(I'm not too fond of those bad boys--I prefer unicorns).
I can't wait to see what happens this year. I KNOW IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME.
Some things I'd like to see happen this year (in other words, my kind of resolutions):
*Start an Etsy shop with Karla. Selling crocheted lovelies, handmade awesomeness, and other goodies.
*Workout (cliche I know). I'm happy to report that I did 25 minutes of P90X today (LOLOLOL)
*Blog at least three times a week (already failing)
*Make myself presentable everyday and change out of my PJ's, even if I stay home all day long. (Again, already failing).
*Finish what I start. HOLY SMOKES, I'm the worst about starting 4324 projects at one time and never finishing).
*Sew a dress for myself. (I got a sewing machine for Christmas. MUST PUT TO GOOD USE.)
*Figure out what career path I'd like to go down. Graphic design? Web design? IDK REALLY
*Be a really awesome Mom who doesn't spend all of her time on the computer. I spend way too much time on le interweb. I need to spend time with baby more often, she's growing so fast.
Did you guys set any awesome resolutions? Any memorable New Year's moments?
If you would like to stay on, please e-mail me! I will be editing my sponsor section within the next few days. If you've already e-mailed me, can you pretty please do it once more :)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
All About Indie {6 months}
I have a six month old. WHAT THE HECK?! That's half a year.
Anyways, she's got quite a personality already.
She loves pears and peaches(we just started food last week).
Poor baby, when we started food, it just would agree with her.
She sits up so well by herself, but she still occasionally falls over.
I'm pretty sure it's way too early for her to understand, but she waves her hands at us all the time!
If you wave at her she's waves back (sometimes).
Seriously, though, she talks 24/7.
It's kind of ridiculous(ly awesome).
I'm not sure about her weight and stuff yet, we go to the doctor soon.
No teeth still.
(I'm glad).
Also, don't you love that headband?! Karla made it for Indigo for Christmas.
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Christmas Pictures
Indigo's first Christmas was a roaring success! She was relatively fussy most on Christmas Eve and on Christmas day. I don't know what it is, but she'll be perfectly happy at home playing in her Johnny Jumpy (Jumpee?) but once we go somewhere she instantly morphs into unhappy baby. Oh well. Babies will be babies.
Magnifying glass |
Indigo's favorite part of Christmas Eve (ahhh, I love that little hat, my Aunt made it for her) |
Indie and Uncle Bennett giggling about Christmas things. |
I've heard mixed reviews about "Sophie the Giraffe," but I love it and so does baby. |
I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas! I know we did. I'm sad it's over though. It didn't last nearly long enough.
Monday, December 26, 2011
The Holiday Season

I don't know about you guys, but I'm trying to drink up every last drop of the holiday season. It's been awesome. I don't want it to be over.
I hope everyone had an awesome weekend!
(Don't you love that mug, it was a gift from Karla.)
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Twas the [three] Night[s] Before Christmas
Well, it's three days until Christmas!
One of my sponsors, Michelle, came up with the idea to do a blogger's style "T'was the Night Before Christmas"!
I hope everyone is having a great week! I'll be posting again soon with a few last minute gift ideas!
Happy holidays, folks!
Happy holidays, folks!
Twas the Night Before Christmas
{blog style}
Twas the night before Christmas, while scheduling posts on the blog
Not a child was stirring, they were bumps on a log.
Facebook was quiet no updates to see,
I sure hope Santa remembers presents for me!
{Michelle @ the Momma Bird}
Oliver was chewing his bone by the fire,
his eyes were heavy, he was so very tired.
I had on my onesie covered with penguins you see,
hoping that under the mistletoe Mike would meet me.
When out on the web there arose such a clatter,
from the Duggars &cloth diapering, to family matters.
Away to my laptop I started typing away,
25 blog posts to schedule before Christmas day!
The room was a mess and life was on hold,
as the luster of my screen showed I had one more post to go.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but a sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
With a plump red belly and a white beard to boot,
I knew it was Santa Clause delivering his loot,
With a voice that sounded much like Tom Hanks,
He shouted out to his flying ranks:
Can you hear that baby?! Happy, now sad, now laughing, now crying!
Little girl don’t you know, tonight’s the night in which I am flying!
From the boppy to the bed, all in one fell swoop. Let’s scurry off to bed, for your mommy is pooped!
{Alexandra @ My Blog Kip}
As the wind picks up and the snow is falling,
We are met with deadlines and emails are calling.
So up to the house the laptop now closes,
With a sleigh full of Giveaways and cheeks all a rosey.
And then as I took a sip of my tea
I heard, on the roof, someone louder than me.
I quickly grabbed my flask to spike my large cup.
Oh phew, it's just Santa, here to make my pageviews go up.
He was dressed all in red, it was a nice little look,
And a noticed in his bag, a little silver Macbook.
He took out his Mac, took a seat in a chair,
Then connected to the web, and said, "I like to share what I wear."
{Lacey @ Little Miss Nerd Girl}
His Iphone did twinkle! His Ipad did glow.
His fingers like ice cubes, his pointer like snow.
He looked for his warmers, they went on with a pop,
he could text and browse thanks, to the Hollie Rogue Shop!
The click of the mouse beneath His forefinger,
As upon another blog post his eyes did linger.
But alas he grimaced in pure consternation
As he saw that dreaded prompt “Word Verification”
{Misty @ Through A Photographers Eyes}
He was savvy and smart, a solo Geek Squad in red,
And I followed each detailed instruction he said.
And my blog design problems were through, I could tell,
For Santa, it seems, sure knows html.
I sat at my desk, typing away with a smirk,
choosing words and pics to display all my quirks.
Each word and sentence slowly turns into prose,
the night ticks away, as the bright screen still glows.
I sprang to my laptop, not a moment to lose,
and feverishly typed while G continued to snooze.
I looked out the window, as he disappeared into the night,
wishing Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.”
Merry 'early' Christmas Everyone!!!
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