Monday, October 24, 2011

Aaaaand, I'm back.

So, life with a baby has been a bit hectic, lately. It's funny because I feel really busy all the time, but I'm technically not. I guess I just feel so exhausted after I FINALLY get her down for a nap all I want to do is sit in my chair and watch Mad Men. I got a little part time job, so that's new. Anyways, aside my constant viewing of Mad Men, I've also been skimming Etsy on a daily basis. A few of my favorite shops:

Up a Tree cup a Tea & Lou and Lee have some adorable, ADORABLE hair bows for big or little girls.

Of course, you will always find countless vintage shops on Etsy, but some aren't so great. Carmen and Ginger have some great housewares to choose from. Vintage AgaBlue Bird Lucy'sThe Lovely Universe, & Hart and Sew are some great shops for adorable baby and children's clothing! A few shops that have a little of everything: Oh Dear ThingsNautie Godiva Vintage, and Thrush Vintage.

I truly love Etsy, and if I had a whole bunch of money I would buy something from every store! But I do not have said money.

Halloween coming up, I think I've decided what Indigo and I will be, and if I pull it off it will be pretty entertaining. This weekend we have some fall-tastic activities that I'm incredibly excited about, but we'll talk about that later.
Notice the changes I've made to my little Kip? If you haven't already, like me on Facebookfollow me on Twitter, and add me on Pinterest!

I'm back, so don't worry your pretty little eyes, my readers! I won't go another month without posting again. My life has been lacking in luster sans Kip!

Enjoy this picture of Indigo while I muster up some time & posts that'll be worth your while!


  1. You're back!!! This has made me day :D I like the changes. I wish I could get my blog to look awesome =/

    oh and ps: She's the cutest! and I need to see you two again soon!

  2. glad you back to blogging! indigo is so beautiful! can't wait to see y'alls halloween costumes!


  3. I was just thinking about this blog yesterday. I really enjoy reading so keep it up. ;) Your little one is precious, but I'm sure you already know that. I am obsessed with Etsy as well! Take care.

  4. @ Rachel I can't wait to see you two again either!
    @Angie Hope our costumes don't disappoint, haha.
    @Rock over London-Thanks for keeping me in mind! Thanks for the compliments!
