Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Friday

Now, usually, every single day of the week is basically the same for me.
I'm never like, "OH, what a relief! It's Friday."
Everyday I wake up early and I got to bed early. It's just kind of my thing ever since le bebe came along.
Do you know why it's a YAY day?
Carver ♥
He comes home today!


A few more happy things:

-I'm eating a chocolate chip waffle right now.
-Baby went down for a nap without a fight.
-My new shoes were shipped two days ago (please, shoes, be here soon).
-It's cold outside (I really like the cold).
-I have two  guest posts coming soon from this girl and this little lady.
-My first handmade Christmas gift is almost done...too bad I have to wait forever to post about it.
-I bought my first ad over here, hoping to improve on my number of readers.
-OH DID I MENTION I get to see Carver today?

*I'm still looking for bloggers to exchange buttons with so Don't be shy. I've only gotten two takers so far--do me a favor and take me up on the offer!


  1. I'm working on a post and I am going to add your button to my blog ASAP :)

  2. Did you get my email????? I am pretty sure I sent you one wanting to swap :) Let me know! (and can i just say that is the cutest thing i've seen all morning!!!! what a doll baby!)

  3. @Momma Bird,
    Yes! I did. I'm so sorry for not replying and explanation is in the e-mail :)

  4. The cutest little bunny I've ever seen <3
