Monday, November 7, 2011

What I Did This Weekend

Say Happy Birthday to my Dad!

It was a big birthday for him this year.
Big birthday for Big Poppy (that's his grandfather name).
I'm always stumped when it comes to giving any guy, even my dad or brother, a birthday present.
However, I know my dad's interests pretty well, so I made him these cute little golf cupcakes!

 Other things I did this weekend:

-Recuperate from an extremely long week of work, mommyhood, and school

-Diaper laundry (any advice for getting amonia smell out of Bumgenius diapers? we have really hard water that hates me and makes the diapers smell scary)

-Listen to lots of Peter, Bjorn, and John (especially this song)

-Have a delicious chocolate milkshakes

-Try shrimp for the first time (it scares me that they have tails!)

-Make a ring sling for one of my new mommy friends

-Not care about football

-Pin an absurd amount of pins on pinterest

-Text Carver 24/7

-Continued making Christmas lists for Indigo, Carver, and I

-Conclude that Indigo is, in fact, teething

Ring sling that I made for Jessica

What did you all do this weekend?
Any advice for the diapers? I've tried everything, putting them in the sun, vinegar, stripping them? OH THE WOES.

Hope you all had a nice weekend!

1 comment:

  1. The sling and Indigo are super cute!! I cant wait to get together this Friday. Hope you guys are having a great Monday! :D
